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From the video... and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, tells video bloggers everywhere, “Don’t sweat the small stuff?” Don’t worry about the small details that you may find annoying and distracting. Don’t strive to set yourself up for a perfect video. Focus on being your authentic self. Focus on having a conversation with and bringing value to your audience, and the distractions and imperfections will melt into the background.


Does my zipper — that you can kind of see through my beard — distract you?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock, with and phone . What a silly question. But the fact of the matter is, I’ve probably shot 50 or so videos wearing this exact hoodie or whatever you want to call it. And for the first time last week I recorded and that was somebody’s feedback. And I thought it was great because it’s not something I would have ever considered or realized.

But then that had me think, you know, I’ve helped people in the world of marketing for more than a decade, and I’ve been helping people do videos actually, for that entire time as well. And you would not believe all of the reasons and all of the preparation that I’ve heard that people need to do before I can get on camera. So I wanted to give you a few of them.

Starts with the easy ones : Oh, I’ve got to get my hair done. Oh, I need to get a facial or I need to get some … something done to my face or I need to get, you know, my makeup done a certain way. Or I really don’t have a great place to record from, so I need to get whatever taken care of that’s going to be behind me, that’s going to be on camera. All the way up to — I’ve got to get a new outfit. I’ve got to get new clothes. I’ve got to lose 20 pounds before I can get on camera.

So the short answer is — you probably don’t need to do any of those things. Why? Because this is not the 11 o’clock news. You’re not going on a Super Bowl commercial. You’re having a conversation with your audience that’s recorded that they’re going to watch later. And the more YOU it is, the more realistic that it is, the more authentic that it is, the more likely that it’s going to land for them.

Now, all that being said, you can if you want to try to create perfection. The problem with that is, is that no matter how perfect it is, there’s somebody out there that is going to find some flaw. It’s going to find some little thing that you’re going to want to do or that they think that you should do, to some distraction to eliminate, that you need to correct in order to have an effective video.

Frankly, it’s all BS. What you need to do is connect with your audience. What you need to do is provide valuable content to them. Maybe it’s educational. Maybe it’s a mysterious sort or secret tip. Maybe it’s just simply mistakes to avoid when they’re considering doing something or doing something that they might hire you to help them with.

So all that being said, the little bobble in your voice, the little distraction, the scarf, which is another one I literally got last week from somebody else. The scarf was a little askew on the side. You think anybody actually noticed? Probably not. If they did , then they weren’t getting the value of the content. And that’s what you’re here to do is to give them valuable content and to let them get to know YOU, so that they can decide : Is it safe to call you? Is it safe to sit across the desk for you? Is it something that they could see themselves having a conversation with you? And if you get that across and you deliver some value, you’ve got a home run.

Regardless of whether you really should have shed — lost 20 pounds — Yeah, I need to lose 20 pounds, myself. So don’t sweat the small stuff is basically the short answer.

Again, this is Mark with and phone . We invite you to come as a guest. It’s /Guests. Come check out one of our meetings and see if this is something that could work out for you. And let us tell you about the things that are going on in the background or the attire that you’re wearing that you might want to adjust a little bit, or better yet, leave it alone and…

Oh! Last tip. Bonus tip. If however you would sit across the desk from somebody else, that be a prospect or a client, if wearing what you’re wearing, your hair done the way that your hair is done when you’re meeting with a real live person, that is good enough to be on camera. Because that’s who you are and that’s who you want to present yourself to your audience as. Again, Mark —, Have a great day.