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From the video... and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, received a ring light as a gift this past holiday season. Here are his first impressions of the benefits of it and tips on how to use it in practice.

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Hey, you know what? I got a ring light !

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and phone . So, almost two years into Videosocials, and I’ve been working off of Walmart lamps and things like that for lighting, and this holiday season, somebody sent me a ring light. Have no idea who… was no information on the packaging, no information, even a name brand on the ring light. So, if it was you, thank you very much. I very much appreciate it.

The good news is is that if you’re not wearing glasses, it actually works pretty well. And if you’re wearing glasses, not so much. So, I’m in the habit of not wearing glasses anyway, so hopefully that can help alleviate that issue. But for those that have to wear glasses — may need to look at something else.

A couple of things that I’ve noticed about it. One is most of the light that — and as I’ve done many videos, I’m surrounded by windows — this time a year, though, you know, the sun is setting as I’m doing a video at this time of day, which is, you know, 4:30 or so in the afternoon. That being the case, I’m not getting the usual amount of of natural light coming in, and I’ve got windows in front of me that would normally bring that in. And this time of day, I’m really pushing it as far as getting all of my little Walmart lamps, whatever, bouncing off the ceiling and off the walls to get enough light on me, and I find that I look pretty washed out. So with the ring light, it’s allowing me to really have that, and one other small light that is bouncing off the ceiling, to provide, I think an appropriate amount of light.

So it seems to be working pretty well. One of the things my wife did notice, though, is that it seems to reduce the bags under my eyes, and I got to thinking about that. Well, how does that work? Well, overhead lighting puts a shadow under our neck — if you could see my neck — puts the shadow under our neck and it highlights or darkens underneath the eyes, which does show bags etc. So for that purpose alone, the fact that the light is lower, it’s more diffuse. I am using a setting where I’m using more of the yellowish, or the softer light rather than the bright white light as I already have really white skin. So that does seem to help, as well, but I did notice with it being a little bit lower and making more direct, as long as I’ve got some other light in the room to help light the background, I think it’s gonna work out pretty well.

So, thank you to whoever sent me this lovely gift. And that’s my first impressions of a ring light. Just a quick tip. Again, Mark with, phone Have a great day.