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From the video... and COO and Co-Founder, Mark Bullock, explains why 80% of the success you receive with Videosocials will happen simply by showing up. It’s more than getting a publishable video, though that is a key goal. It’s also about the habit of showing up every week; the habit of getting the practice; the habit of giving and receiving feedback, which all contribute to the camaraderie of our Videosocials clubs. Just showing up leads to learning and growing, which inevitably leads to more success. 


Have you ever heard the phrase ‘success is 80% just showing up?’

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and and what I’m talking about, maybe it’s an old wives tale, maybe it’s a business principle that hasn’t been used all that much anymore. But in the case of Videosocials , 80% of success is showing up. How does that work?

Well, whether you think you’re prepared or not to show up for a Videosocials meeting, there’s a lot that you can get out of it. And it’s not just a publishable video at the end, although, of course, that’s why we’re doing it.

But what do you also get, even if you’re not ready to go per se or feel that you’re fully prepared to participate? The first is the habit, the habit of showing up; the habit of doing it ; the habit of having it in your calendar and showing up every week. That gets you practice, and when you’re in the practice of doing something, you’re naturally going to get better at. Not to mention the fact that as you’re getting that practice, you’re getting feedback from others and that leads to the camaraderie of the meeting itself, because not only are you learning what works and what doesn’t work, and even if you’re unprepared giving something a shot, the portions of it that you really want to get across, you can see from feedback whether or not you’re getting those ideas across, so that when you record it the next time it might work.

There’s also, what are you learning? So this is an experiential learning environment, Videosocials is. What am I talking about? We learn by doing. If you don’t show up, you can’t do it. You don’t do it, you can’t learn from it.

And, by the way, you’re also learning from everyone else’s experience and everyone else’s feedback at the same time. So in the case of Videosocials , 80% of success is just showing up.

Hope you found that useful. Again, Mark with and Have a great day.