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From the video... and co-founder and COO, Mark Bullock, takes our EASMS feedback framework to a new dimension when putting it into the context of the goal of your video. Do you have a goal for your video? Who is it going to reach? What are you trying to get your audience to do? What is the specific intent for recording this video?


Hi Videosocials members. It’s Mark again and something a little different today. I just wanted to have a conversation because I think most of you have figured this out, but I’m learning as we go along, and I’m trying to share what I’m learning from you with everyone else that’s in Videosocials . So one of the things that… so touching on EASMS, right, so our whole feedback framework. Where did that come from? Why did we do it? We did that for people who are coming in new to Videosocials that have no idea how to give each other feedback and to give them a bit of a framework or to give you a bit of a framework to get something across so that you’re paying attention and you’re looking for specific areas of interest that, you know, the speaker might want feedback on. So, but that’s not the end and as Martin Cowart, whom I’m in a meeting with right now, is slowly teaching me, there’s actually a bigger issue that I think we want to look at, and that is what’s the goal of your video? So you could have lots of different things that you could plan on the video being used for. You could have lots of different audiences. There’s lots of different ways that you can bring yourself across on screen and communicate with your target audience for that video. But I want you to think about what is the goal — whenever you’re gonna record, what is the goal of the video? Who is it going to reach? What are you trying to get your audience to do? And I’d like you to consider, before you record your video, to let the person know that’s going to be giving you feedback what your goal is, so that they have the context to give you feedback that is in relation to what your intent is to begin with. In other words, if we don’t have a goal, why are we doing it? Number one. Number two, it gets very watered down as far as what it could possibly intend. And so what’s the goal for this video? Goal for this video is to help you see most of you are now getting to a level that’s beyond EASMS, and it’s time to start thinking about, now that I’m getting good on video — I’m getting to where I can present my information, I can present myself and I can reach my audience, well, what exactly is the intent of this specific video? And take it from there. Let’s practice and experiment some more in that arena. Again, Mark, Have a great day.