COO and Co-Founder of and, Mark Bullock, explains how to solicit specific feedback for a video recording.

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So how do you get feedback that’s different than what you typically get at Videosocials ? Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and . And the answer to that question is, just ask for it. But ask for it, before you speak. In other words, when you’re setting up, you’re getting ready to go, if you’ve got a different context that you’re planning on using your video for, maybe it’s part of a series. Maybe it’s going on a website. Maybe it’s part of a course. Let us know that. Let the person who’s going to be giving you feedback know that. if you’re really trying to polish something or you’re trying to, shall we say, get past the support and encouragement that you normally get and you really want to know, ‘What can I do to improve this video?’ You know, give me some tips. Well, again, ask for it, but ask for it before you start presenting. Let the person that’s giving you feedback know that they’ve got your permission to give you something more detailed. Also, we have the chat system, so even if you’re not the person assigned for feedback, ask others to, you know, ‘Please put your comments in the chat,’ again before you start presenting. The point being is that, and I recently had somebody literally ask me… tell me that they’re not looking for a pat on the back. They’re looking to grow and improve. Well, my suggestion is in all of my training and all of our experience with Videosocials , that encouragement and support is tethered to what we would give as far as suggestions for improvement. So I’m not gonna ask anybody to not give somebody an ‘Atta boy’ or ‘you did a great job’ because if you did, you should hear that. And whether you think that you want to hear it or not, the fact of the matter is it has a psychological effect. So, don’t tell people, ‘Don’t tell me good things.’ They kind of seem silly, right? But if you want more detailed feedback or you want to know what seriously you could do to polish it up a little bit more, or you really want suggestions from the audience as to what you could do better or how you could improve, just ask for it. But ask before you start speaking. That way, we know what it is that you’re looking for in how we give feedback. And one more tip : you can send your preview — your video preview that you get in email to anybody you want to get feedback after you’ve recorded. You’re getting feedback from us after you recorded anyway. So if you’ve got people outside of Videosocials or you’ve got other people that you would like to take a closer look at it and give you a critique, as it were, you’re welcome to send it to whoever you want. And it’s your video, you can do with what you want. Just another idea. Again, Mark, and have a great day.