The simple act of regularly attending and being present and engaged at your Videosocials clubs will lead you onto a path to more effective video presentations. Each club holds a different array of people from a variety of industries and backgrounds. Some of our members float around depending on their schedule that week while others wouldn’t imagine attending any club but their home with “their people.” Which club will be best for you?

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Is your club the best club?

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and And the answer to that question, you might not be surprised to hear from the co- founder, that it is. It is the best club. But why? Why is it the best club? It’s the best club for you. How does that work? They’re all different. They’re all dynamic. Why are they different and dynamic? Because they’re all you. They’re the people that are attending your club. We’re all different. We all have different points of view. We all have different levels of experience. We all have different industries that we’re coming in from.

And that’s why your club is perfect for you, because you’re regularly attending. You’re paying attention as other people are presenting. You are engaged in the process, not only for learning for yourself but to help others move along as well and get better themselves. That process, that engagement, those relationships are what makes every club unique and every club great for you.

Listen, I’ve heard from everybody that has been in Videosocials now for… we’re still not up to two years, but we’re getting there, and one of the things that I’ve heard everything from, ‘Gee, I wouldn’t think of going to another club because I’m so nervous about this and I’m so comfortable with my group that I just… I have to come to my group. I can’t come to anybody else’s group because it’s all I can do to talk myself into showing up in the first place.’ And if that’s where you’re at, that’s fine. And if you continue over time, I encourage you to try out a couple of other groups.

We’ve had other people that they bounce around all the time because of client service, because of their busy schedules, they end up moving around to a lot of different clubs, and the response has always been the same. ‘I’m amazed at just how different it is, but how comfortable I felt’ because it is a safe place to practice. So we can’t force you guys to be friends. But that’s happening and that’s what ends up happening. And when you’re in a group with friends, whether they be fast friends that you just met today or whether they be friends that you’ve done this with for months on end, it’s those friendships and that camaraderie that comes through and helps you be better and helps everyone else that’s a part of it.

Now, all of that, and I have a request. Make room in your schedule to be in your groups regularly. Why? The only way that you’re going to get the results that you want, which is more business and to enhance your brand and to be out there more, is if you’re doing it with some regularity. The more that you do it regularly, the more you’re engaged with your group, the more practice that you get, the more videos that you get done, the better the videos get, the more effective they become.

In other words, you see the circle? It all feeds on itself. Make it a priority. Marketing is often the lowest priority for most professional services. My contention is it needs to be at the top of the list, right behind client service.

All right, guys. Again, Mark, . Thank you for who you are and for your participation and for your contribution to Videosocials . Take care.