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From the video... and Co-founder and COO, Mark Bullock, takes us back to the basics of why content marketing is essential in making your prospects aware that you exist so you can provide them the services they’re looking for. If they’re aware you exist and they understand the product or service you’re providing, then the sale will come easy.


So how exactly do we convince people to buy our product or service? Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with and . And that’s kind of the purpose of doing videos or creating content, isn’t it? It’s to convince people that they need our products and our services. And really, that’s the last step. So let’s put that at the end and work our way backwards. What do they need to do to know that what you’re offering, and who’s offering it to them — you, is the right fit for them? Well, that takes education. So you have no idea who within your target audience, just how well they know about what it is that you do, what it is that you provide, or what the product or service is offering them. So it’s your job to educate them and this is why blogging, website content, social media content, etc., ‘content marketing’ can really come into play in that process of educating them… what they don’t already know, so that they can start to connect the dots between what their needs are and what their wishes are and what it is that you’re offering. And there’s a parallel line here because it’s not just the product or service. It’s also you, the messenger, the person who may be providing the services, or at least the person who is providing them information about it so that they’re making the decisions. So they do… they are, in fact, buying you, not just the product or the service. But what is the… what is the point that I think many of us kind of skip over, the number one thing that you have to bring into light for your prospective audience? And that is awareness. Awareness that you exist. Awareness that the product or service exists, and in the context of all the other competitive components that might come into play. Somebody has got a headache, and you have a solution for that headache, how does that fit in with take a pill, take an aspirin, take a Motrin, whatever the case is? And how does that, how does that fit within the context of everything else that’s available? Because you have to assume that, one, they’ve got a problem, an issue, a need that they’re trying to fulfill, that they may or may not be aware of what options they have for doing that. But equally importantly is you, as the messenger, have to make them aware that you exist, that your product exists. And that is social media, that is newsletters, that is advertising If you choose to go that route. It is what it is to raise the awareness that you and your product and your service exist. So it’s first and foremost awareness, then educating, and then convincing. And the reality is the convincing can pretty much happen on its own if you’ve done a good job on awareness and educating, so you don’t have to do… work so hard at the sale. You work more on the awareness and education, and then the sale is a natural progression beyond that. Hope that was helpful. Little bit back to the basics. Again,. Mark, the co-founder of and of Have a great day.