Have you ever recorded a video with a specific person in mind? If so, make sure to let that person know. If not, then give it a try. Identify those important people in your life and make a video with them in mind. Then let them know. They’re sure to pay attention.

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From the video...


So you know that you need to be sending out your content to your email mailing list. But have you ever tried taking a piece of content, say a video, and sending it directly to one person with the following phrase? ‘You know, I was thinking about you when I [wrote this or recorded this or whatever it is.]’

Hi, I’m Mark Bullock with Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net . And this is just a bit of an advanced tip. You have very important people in your life. You have centers of influence, people that you want to make sure see a particular piece of content. Maybe you even record… when you recorded or you wrote whatever it is that you created, you had somebody in mind. Make sure you send it to them and take a look at that dozen, that two dozen people that are really important to you as far as in your business world.

And have you recorded something, have you written something that would really be impactful or that has them in mind that you … when you created that piece of content? Because if you send it to them and you let them know that you had them in mind, they’re going to read it, they’re going to watch it, they’re going to listen to it, whatever it is. And they’re going to appreciate the fact that you got zoned in and tuned in to them specifically.

Sometimes marketing is not about the broader reach. Sometimes marketing is very, very targeted and it’s all about relationships.

So especially in the world of word-of-mouth marketing field, so take your VIP relationships to the next level and send your content individually to the people that are most important with a personal note of why they’re important and why you created that piece of content with them in mind.

Hope you found that valuable. Again Mark with Videosocials.net and phoneBlogger.net . Have a great day.